Dude Rates Movies

Harley Quinn is the most interesting aspect of this movie, and that is a low upper bound.

I've called Interpol so that they could rescue Tom Hanks, who apparently got lost in the desert.

After the awesome It's a Beautiful Life and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, I decided to explore more of Frank Capra, but this one is less approachable a bit more rooted in its time (understand: borderline sexist)

After his alarming vision of a world ruled by genetic perfection and his radical satire of reality TV, Andrew Niccol, the talented writer of (respectively) Gattaca and The Truman Show, still has things to say, about gun trade this time. His incessant need to remind us of how immoral it is is a bit heavy at times (compare that, for example, to how Martin Scorcese just goes full on with organized crimes epics, letting the spectators process the ethics in their own ways), but can we really reproach to Niccol to commit when that's what he does best, especially when the result is otherwise an excellent movie.

Steve McQueen continues his one-word filmography, after the brilliant Shame. The usage of the long-take, including an unedited 15-minute dialogue on suicide, as well the glacial approach to violence and suffering, makes it, once again, an incredible cinematographic experience.

Kenneth Lonergan early work is a minor drama, but it's nonetheless the occasion to witness a little known but impressive performance from Mark Ruffalo, and overall a good alchemy between a good cast.

After Flight and The Walk, Robert Zemeckis continues fucking around random themes and stories. I don't mind him trying out stuff, but the quality is progressively dropping.

So I was just thinking, if I was tasked to chose a song to send to an alien civilization, I would probably chose the raw City of Stars duo by Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling.

I've always felt that film is a somewhat arbitrary medium for a play, and this one really gave me this feeling hard. The way it's done you can tell that it must be a play. So I'm kind of perplex as to the whole purpose of it, if not to showcase the stellar talent of Viola Davis.

This suffers from the Oscar-targeted dramatic-acting-outburst syndrome, with Dev Patel going off the mark in the middle of the street to tell us about his existential crisis because of some random word the other character made the mistake of using. Fortunately most of the time the movie has a more subtle emotional approach, so it ends up pretty good.

Those types of life chronicles simply aren't my cup of tea. I see the point, this is touching and all, but there are just so many stories like this in the world, it's quite random, and it doesn't even pay off with a resolution.

You can't do more Hollywood, but that's quality Hollywood.

I like tragedy. This delivers.

Typical Coen brothers doing typical Coen brothers stuff, earning typical Coen brothers rating.

Denis Villeneuve commits the cardinal sin and adds a non-diegetic soundtrack over scenes where diegetic sounds are of paramount importance. I'M TRYING TO LISTEN TO WHAT IS GOING ON COULD YOU PLEASE CUT THE MUSIC GOD DAMMIT. To add to the crime, the music is a variation of the tripods' siren in War of the World and has a tone similar to the diegetic sound we're trying to listen to. The resolution might be a bit too mind-blowing for me as I can't fully make sense of it without resorting to Laplace's determinism, and the implications about free will aren't satisfyingly resolved. Reaching this level of discussion in a first place sets the bar quite high.

I've found spiritual guidance in the “would it help” philosophy.

I always picture old people as sort of easily-shocked conservative ones, especially when they're respected, classy, artists. So I wonder how the discussion between Tarantino and Ennio Morricone went when they discussed the score for the flashback where Samuel L. Jackson is nasty with the general's son, which I found to be too-much myself. Asking important questions.

This movie tricked me with such power. Considering the mysterious setting of the first act, I assumed it belonged to an entirely different genre than it was, a more metaphorical one. The revelation came up to me with such sheer brutality, I felt weak in my inability to consider things through a rational eye. It's absolutely brilliant.

Mark Ruffalo doing the good old acting outburst for the Oscars. Literally Hulk.

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A 2 hours high-speed chase in the desert. Shut up and take my money.

This films is a rather dull platform for Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander to showcase their talent.

Oh this is way too didactic. Alex Garland uses dialogues as a way to broadcast his dissertation on AI. It's cool that not a single innovative idea about AI has emerged in movies since decades. I guess we just have to wait for it to play out live in society.

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I usually like movies like that about trivia and events, but this one loses a point when he transforms a real-life disaster into a full-scale Hollywood spectacle. People died yo.

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The movie is good. It's just sad it's entirely based on false drama. In real life the pilot had the support of the aviation and the investigation was a formality.

This is literally the western version of John Wick. Like, literally. The tiny bits of story you can find in John Wick. Literally. As a western. Therefore a wonderful movie.

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It looked to me that the movie didn't realize the implications of the resolution. If each new try from Gyllenhall was happening in a new stand-alone parallel universe, then by trying again and again he just generated copies of the same bombing and added more and more victims across the multiverse. So if at the beginning of the movie there were 1000 people sad from having lost a family member, after 5 failed tries now there are 5000 people sad. The only procedure that minimize the loss is to succeed on the first try, or to stop.

Journalist (pointing at a big poster on the wall): “Who is this one?” Steve: “Alan Turing. Single handedly won World War II and for an encore invented the computer. He won't be part of the campaign though.” Journalist: “Why?” Steve: “Because you just had to ask me who he was.”
When I was in college a guy in the class said that Steve Jobs was such an historical figure because he invented the computer. Since he was a Job fan I hope he went to watch this movie.

I was blown away by the CGI. This is beyond anything that had been done so far. The adaptation is quite good overall.

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I don't know why this movie received such negative reviews. It's not outstanding but it's a nice little thriller.

Jason Bourne it's Jesus Christ!

I'll spare you the movie with a simple Today I Learned: 999 is the police code for officer down. And the oscar for the most ridiculous casting goes to Kate Winslet's role in this film.

Exactly like Monsters University: good but unremarkable because it relies on the originality of the previous episode.

No more no less than torture porn. It's stylised enough so that it isn't creepy, just utterly violent. I don't know what to think of that. This is kind of films I rate 5 just in case. In case of what, I don't know. But just in case.

Excellent discovery of The Exciters and their song Tell Him. Shake that ass, Goodman!

Keanu Reeves guns down everybody that is linked to the murder of his poor cute dog. Shut up and take my money.

It's about the only heavy-action franchise that hasn't self-alienated itself and that still delivers solid entertainment with decent directing and even some artistic attempts, like the mixing of Turandot opera main theme (the opera that takes place during an action scene in the first act) into the soundtrack. Tom Cruise seems to have this thing under control.

In one scene of this movie, we can witness how John Carpenter low-budget creative special effects gives better results than modern computer-based ones.

As it happens, this has nothing to do with the cult Bad Lieutenant, if not for the theme of corrupt police. I like to think of Nicolas Cage as as crazy in real life as he is in this movie.

Harvey Keitel performance is off the chart. I'm not especially a fan of the direction the plot was taking, but the dark and captivating atmosphere of the movie will make me dig more into Abel Ferrara filmography.

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Disney definitely stepped up their animation movie game.

I could spend the rest of my life listening to Penelope Cruz speaking to me in Spanish.

What a fucking nightmare. Spending like 10 damn minutes waiting for them to cross that bridge with this horrible sound quality from the 70s.

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I never realized how the process of becoming homeless plays out before seeing this movie. Will Smith at his peak.

Silicon Valley's TV series creator first movie about office workers that piss code and change date formats in endless source code to prepare for the 2K bug. This is delicious and still curiously relevant.

This movie could have been a 10 if its ambiguous ending wasn't that underwhelming. I KILLED A LOT OF PEOPLE.

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First episode of the 30-years Before trilogy of Richard Linklater. The three films (Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight), featuring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, are about a couple of strangers who briefly meet 3 times in their life, 10 years apart, everytime proving to be a love escape. Linklater being Linklater, the 3 movies were actually shot 10 years apart each. I'm sold.

Let's take a minute to praise Jake Gyllenhaal's agent, who is, in those recent years, finding him roles that rocks! This Dan Gilroy director is also to be kept an eye on! So many exclamation marks!

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This is the perfect movie to watch when you're sick in the middle of winter. At least it worked very well for me.

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I'm not gonna denied that this was original, but this was weird as fuck. Mud, the previous movie from Jeff Nichols, already flirted with the fantastic, or at least with a tale-like storytelling. This one goes full-in, and I find the result quite awkward.

Once you accept the fact that this is nowhere near the elegance of the Steven Spielberg ones, but just a dummy blockbuster, it can be quite enjoyable.

This is a poor reminiscence of The Exorcist but it still delivers a fair amount of chills.

Not only did this taught me about this massacre I didn't know about, but it's also a very poignant depiction of it. Dennis Villeneuve is such an excellent director.

Why is Sean Connery, from Scotland, playing a Russian officer? Why do the Russians even speak English. Alright I quibble. Actually, the first few dialogs of the movie are in Russian but then they switch to English on the word « Armageddon », which is the same in English and in Russian, and also a Michael Bay movie, although this has nothing to do with this trivia.

This is probably the saddest movie I've ever seen. One of the peculiar aspect of it is that it's a drama about people turning against an innocent man, but there is no one you can truly blame for this behavior. It's just a human relationships total clusterfuck with heart-wrenching consequences. It conveys such strong emotions. This is what I look for in cinema.

I like the western vibes around the theme of space exploration, but this is sooooo looooong.

Disaster or survival movies often come out as sort of TV movies to me. No exception here.

So this is my least favorite Dennis Villeneuve movie.

What is remarkable with this movie, apart from being an excellent drama in a first place, is how contemporary the camera work is. It's unbelievable that this was shot in 1941.

Best movie from Denis Villeneuve in my opinion. Not as epic or ambitious than Blade Runner 2049 or stuff like that, but it is such a powerful and solid thriller.

The second Michael Bay's escape from his Transformers franchise jail happens to be a pretty effective action flick. As expected there is zero subtlety in the treatment of an actual event, to the point where defending a military base against terrorists looks like defending it against zombies. Very cool.

This was so violent it repulsed me. Looks like the kind of fucked up story you can hear about on the news bulletin. Nightmarish, not entertaining.

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?????? 5 just in case

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One of the best recent horror movie. The concept is original, it goes directly against the traditional codes of the genre, and the director plays with our nerves by distilling such a frightening atmosphere even in normal scene.

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This is the worst Pixar movie, which means it's an average animated movie. You couldn't make the story any less dull in its themes and morale and some moments are particularly awkward. Apparently the production suffered big turmoil, with major story revisions, turn-over in the crew, and so on. It shows.

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Friday 31 March 2017
permalinkExploring the early movies of David Ayer, director of the excellent Fury, and all I find is trash.