Dude Rates Movies

Kong: Skull Island

Poster of the movie
Jordan Vogt-Roberts | 2017 | USA, China
Sunday 20 August 2017 (watched)

The danger of giving Oscars to fresh and upcoming comedians on their first widely recognized movie is that they then rest on their laurels and are satisfied with blockbusters. This is how you get the brilliant Brie Larson to switch from Room to Kong: Skull Island. Same deal with Alicia Vikander in A Danish Girl and then Tomb Raider. Compare that to Leonardo DiCaprio who had to do an exhaustive tour of all the greatest contemporary directors and thoughtful roles before getting his precious one. It was a long con from the Academy to keep him up to his talent all along! Now shut up and take my money and let me watch this bad Samuel L. Jackson motherfucker fight the gigantic Kong.