Dude Rates Movies


Poster of the movie
Denis Villeneuve | 2016 | USA, Canada
Tuesday 7 February 2017 (watched)

Denis Villeneuve commits the cardinal sin and adds a non-diegetic soundtrack over scenes where diegetic sounds are of paramount importance. I'M TRYING TO LISTEN TO WHAT IS GOING ON COULD YOU PLEASE CUT THE MUSIC GOD DAMMIT. To add to the crime, the music is a variation of the tripods' siren in War of the World and has a tone similar to the diegetic sound we're trying to listen to. The resolution might be a bit too mind-blowing for me as I can't fully make sense of it without resorting to Laplace's determinism, and the implications about free will aren't satisfyingly resolved. Reaching this level of discussion in a first place sets the bar quite high.