Dude Rates Movies
🎬 2024 facts
In 2024, I logged 107 ratings, from 82 unique movies, and 38 movies seen at the theater.
My longest streak of movie-watching days was from 1 May to 7 May, with 9 movies watched.
My longest pause without any movie-watching was from 4 January to 20 January.
The oldest movie I saw was Peeping Tom, from 1960.
2024 Premiere League
A-rated movies I saw in 2024 which were released in 2024.

I know this is an audacious comparison, but the level of tension in this movie is comparable to the one I felt while watching Portrait of a Lady in Fire, except trading seduction with... something else. The directing and acting deliver such a strong intensity out of scenes that would superficially appear mundane. It's all in the eyes, reactions, hesitations, and, ultimately, outbursts. With a touch of madness. A work of art, in my humble opinion.

One of the few French high-budget movie that uses the money for good cinema rather than celebrities cameos. It is sufficiently faithful to the novel, keeping the most precious parts as-is, at least to my taste. I was apprehensive of Pierre Niney, but it turns out that he's very good for the cast.
Good movie.

It's hard to find anything bad to say about a movie that is well-made yet doesn't take itself seriously.
The movie opens with Kiss' I was made for loving you to a long-shot of Ryan Gosling getting prepared for a stunt which the character effectively does, and therefore makes you wonder whether this was actually Gosling that did it (since the shot is uninterrupted). I was made for loving you eventually comes back multiple times in the movie in various forms (orchestral, trailer-like cover, etc), and is just one example of the many fun artistic ideas that The Fall Guy has in store, including, for example, a meta-commentary on the usage of split screens, or how psychedelic a fight under influence looks like.
It is quite fun, and hinges on a solid story and solid performances from its leads, including what might surprisingly be the best role of Ryan Gosling, who succeeds in playing a quantum superposition of complete chill attitude and emotional vulnerability (culminating to a remarkably and bizarrely intense scene).
There is of course no lacking of action, with a complete stunt fest. The small bits of making-of shown during the credits offer a glimpse of the logistical challenge that the movie must have been, and proves the grand mastery of the art of crafting stunts from the Fall Guy crew. Bravo!
2024 Catchup League
A-rated movies released in 2024 which I watched after 2024.

This movie takes the time to tell its story very carefully and properly. It hooked me from beginning to end, slowly burning through its outstanding cinematography and Ralph Fiennes' very strong presence.
It raises the usual (but always interesting) questions about faith, in a way that is still very interesting to follow for a non-believer.
It is a good demonstration of the power of restraint. When the end goal of the story is so straightforward, the slightest twist is an interesting plot point. When the diction of characters is so serene, the mere raising of one's voice is an event. When the visuals revolve around men being sequestered inside a conclave, a specific framing or contrast is a painting.
The music sounded a bit too dramatic in my opinion, but it was close enough to being a good companion to the image that it's not really an issue.
Good movie!

On the edge of my seat from the beginning to the end. This is really good stuff.
I really enjoyed the urgency of the movie, the attention to details of how TV worked back in the day, and the ethical (and practical) questions raised by broadcasting events on live TV.
It was also impressive to see how talented TV directors, journalists, hosts, actually are. Only matched by the talent of this very movie's crew. 👏
It seems that this movie stayed under the radar, but it shouldn't have!
2024 Classics League
A-rated movies I saw in 2024 which were released before 2024.

I found it to be simply brilliant. Casting and dialogues are fire.

The rise and fall of a bikeriders gang in the 60s, under the talented eye of Jeff Nichols, with a banger soundtrack, and pretty solid cast. Not far away from a Scorcese saga, but with a raw aspect to it. Oddly captivating.

This movie has extraordinary qualities that definitely make up for the lack of plot: The sound design, which is basically a second movie inside the movie, and which sets up the terribly heavy atmosphere of the movie. The exploration of the psychology of the main characters, and especially Höss' wife, whose attachment to the home seems insane from an external point of view. The amount of research done by the crew ahead of filming.
Among the movies about the Holocaust I've seen so far (although I've not yet seen Claude Lanzmann' Shoah), it is the one that makes me wonder the most about the sheer magnitude and nonsensicality of the final solution. The constant low background noise constitutes the clearest signal of industrialization of death as anything I've seen in cinema before, while the mundanity of unbothered family affairs contrasting with the distant sounds of violence conveys how numb Nazis had became to their own disgusting enterprise.
A haunting piece of cinema that needs to be seen, once.
Saturday 14 December 2024 📽️
permalinkA very rich movie, with some acceptable weaknesses.
I still think it's a pretty remarkable movie.